Organisational Growth
At this time of year many people are looking forward to a
break and also planning for 2008. In the latest Happening
People online TV show I interviewed Lisa Watts, General
Manager of Over the past two years,
she has led and grown their business exponentially. So,
as you plan for growth next year you could well be
interested to consider Lisa s comments from my interview.
The key to organisational growth
"I think the key to organisational growth is
having clarity about the top two or three
things you want to achieve and how you
can drive those priorities forward ..."
Number one priority in growing an organisation
"Number one on my list is sales force
capability and a systemic way of having a
strong capable sales force of the right size to
support the organisational growth."
Key Capabilities of sales people
"We look for a high degree of emotional
intelligence, the capacity to listen and
understand the other person s perspective
and modify behaviour in an objective way in
order to be better understood."
".. with good practice in recruitment you can
assess the extent to which someone can
easily create a rapport, listen and refer
back ."
Getting everyone to focus on growth
"Find ways to engage people early on . For
example, Here is our problem how can we as
a group of people working together find
creative solutions to it?"
The interview was very interesting and Lisa s strategies have most certainly shown results. If you would like to
look at the interview click here to go to online PDTV. Enjoy! |
Personally speaking
One of the reasons I wanted to write this topic is because I was in a meeting earlier this year and overheard someone say "I'll strike you from our computer list and you'll never work again".
Now other than that being outrageous, very JR Ewing
(Dallas TV show) if not amusing (my humour) albeit with a great deal of empathy for all involved, it reinforced to me a few things:
1. Some people choose not to be self aware and are not open to gaining personal insights. (at that point in time).
2. You have control over the power you allow people to take.
3. Moreover when you remove negative energy like bullying from you work/life and focus on what it is you want in your life it comes in abundance. (Maybe too hippie, but proven to me).
4. Save you energy for those who value it.