| "Our Guarantee - If you do not see improved results we will work with you until you do" - Samuel Day, Managing Director Happening People | | "Happening People are highly responsive to the dynamic needs of the Nine Network, delivering cost savings and great people focused results" - Scott Soutar, Station Manager Nine Network Australia | | "We experienced measurable performance change…" - Matt Newcombe, TSA Employment Plus | | "We have grown our business thanks to Happening People" - Mark Flinn, Principal & Wealth Manager, Yellow Brick Road | | "Happening People was able to design solutions which effectively tapped into the idiosyncrasies of our teams" - Elaine Wilson, HR Director, Boehringer Ingelheim |
What's Happening
The newsletter for switched on people
Issue 60 | December 2003

Personally Speaking
End of year note

It’s that time of year again for reflection and big thanks to everyone who have made 2003 another wonderful year.

To our Clients
Of course we wouldn’t have had the opportunity to work with great clients without the support and trust of these people.

  • Fairfax – Kerry, Janet, Susan, Rachel, Cara, and Ian
  • Allianz – Arndria, Michael, Tracey
  • Motorola – Lyn, Moira
  • Commonwealth Bank – Kevin, Curtis, Robyn and Steve
  • Channel Seven – Scott, Amanda, Cheryl

Thank you for your business, for the laughs, support and successes.

To my consultants
Many people bring Happening People together in varying roles.  Everyone has had a laser beam focus on results for our clients this year. Michelle, David, Melissa, Kylie, Jason, Geraldine, Joseph, Marian and Victoria.  When I have asked you to go the extra mile for our clients you have always done it and been happy to do it.  Thank you so much.  We wouldn’t be who we are without you.

To everyone we have worked with
It is impossible to list the thousands of people we have worked with in 2003 so, thank you to hundreds of people in Melbourne, Sydney, and to everyone in Adelaide, Berri, Mildura, Perth, Bunbury, Broome, Karratha, Geraldton, Hobart, Launceston, Ballarat, Parramatta, Brisvegas, Warnambool, Traralgon, Cairns, Wodonga, Shepparton, Geelong, Rocky, Townville, Horsham, Bendigo and Darwin.  You know who you all are.


To our Suppliers
There are many businesses and people who support the work we do.  A big thank you to Broken Hill Productions, Play now Productions, Kinko’s, STA travel, Glen O’Brien and Assoc, Ideas Unlimited and so many more.

To friends and family
Thank you to family, partners and friends of our consultants this year.  Thank you for supporting the work we do with our clients.  Thank you to my family and friends, Alison, Anna, Vera, Jason, David, Jodie, my dog and so many other people.  Thanks for the laughs and support.  Love to you all.

For the year ahead
This year we have had calls from the USA, the Middle East and scores of people around Australia.  Sometimes we just haven’t had the time to put our services out.  I will always return your calls so please give us another chance when a need arises in 2004. 
Next year is just around the corner and to have repeat clients like Fairfax and Motorola already booked for 2004 is perfect feedback. Thank you.
Watch out for more TV shows with even greater edge next year.
Until the February edition of 2004 take care. 

Kind regards

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