| "Our Guarantee - If you do not see improved results we will work with you until you do" - Samuel Day, Managing Director Happening People | | "Happening People are highly responsive to the dynamic needs of the Nine Network, delivering cost savings and great people focused results" - Scott Soutar, Station Manager Nine Network Australia | | "We experienced measurable performance change…" - Matt Newcombe, TSA Employment Plus | | "We have grown our business thanks to Happening People" - Mark Flinn, Principal & Wealth Manager, Yellow Brick Road | | "Happening People was able to design solutions which effectively tapped into the idiosyncrasies of our teams" - Elaine Wilson, HR Director, Boehringer Ingelheim |
What's Happening
The newsletter for switched on people
Issue 104 | Spring 2013

Corporate Training - No one hit wonder

www.HappeningPeople.comIt In the music industry a one-hit-wonder is an artist who is generally known for just one music hit think about Right Said Fred ‘I’m too sexy (1996) and Nena ’99 Luft Balloons (1984) OR Dee-Lite’s “Groove is in the Heart’ (1990) .

“....How many times have you attended a corporate training program, it was great at the time but is not sustained and there is no legacy? A one-hit wonder corporate training program.”

Whist these artists create songs which are catchy, incredibly popular at the time and stick with us for a short time they ultimately fade into music obscurity and we are left wondering ‘what happened to that band/ singer?’ Yet other artists create catalogues of songs which are sustained over time and leave a long legacy.

How many times have you attended a corporate training program, it was great at the time but is not sustained and there is no legacy?  A one-hit wonder corporate training program!  It has well been established over the decades that corporate training offers little benefits to its participants and the organisation unless the learning’s are incorporated into the organisation and the legacy of change is sustained.

Over the past 18 years we have heard these chess nuts many times:

We sent our people to a one day corporate training program and nothing changed!

Can you please do a team building day and fix our culture?

The former would a require magic wand and the later has two chances - buckleys and none (unless the objective above were different).

Australian organisations spend over 8 billion in training. We are guessing a lot of it is wasted.  We are always up front with our clients “a one hit wonder will not see sustained performance improvement" we are yet to be challanged on this point.

Recently we immersed ourselves in two industry events.  A common theme we heard was “do a TNA” (Training Needs Analysis).  The idea of a TNA is to understand the nature and level of investment required to deliver learning and development of their employees.   We have rarely seen this done effectively as usually this is done as skills gap analysis (Sam said he heard this in the 1980s).

Over the past 18 years one of the most common mistakes in corporate training and for corporate trainers in general is their lack of understanding of the context in which the people/team and the organisation operate.   They often assess skills against national competencies which has little regard for context and often a bar so low that the corporate training adds little value to organisations strategic goals.

Context involves a clear understanding of:

  • Competitors, suppliers and the forces in which these operate
  • Strategy – vision, mission, goals, values and KPIs
  • Broader external environment – Politcal, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal

Only then can an analysis for development needs occur at a variety of levels: individual, departmental, and corporate each needs to be examined.

From here the most appropriate and effective corporate training program/s for the individuals or groups can be sort  and the best format for delivery and integration into the business can be discussed with and specialist  training providers. 

Yes we have a vested interest in who you select as your corporate training provider but when we have clients who are committed to organisation results then we challenge you to find a better partner who understands best practice across many contexts.  We have no better examples than most of the clients we are consulting with right now!  Thank you.

If all of this passion has got you going then go listen to Video Killed the Radio Star, always makes us smile!  Haha.

www.ManagersDoor.comMeet Our Managing Director

Over the past couple of years Sam has asked us to do our Question and Answers so that you can gradually get the know the whole team. This time we put Sam under the microscope!

How did you come up with the name for Happening People?
A .
Well when I was about 24 I had attended many poor training programs on many levels and I just decided I could do it better.  So one night I was sitting with friends at my dinner table (there may have been wine involved) and my good friend kylie (who is a strategic guru) was interviewing me about what I wanted to achieve.  It just come out that I wanted the people who attend our corporate training to be happening people!  Ta Dah!

Q. 18 years is a long time in a job, do you get over it?
In leading this business I rarely get bored or over it– actually proofing is not my cup of tea and sometimes after travelling and working I’m exhausted.  But we have worked with and work with some of the most amazing people and companies in the world!  I have learnt so much about so many industries it fascinates me but above all we deal with the human condition and that is complex and rarely boring.  Plus this business is innovative we are not the same company we were just 5 years ago look at the work we do in social media and our new product www.ManagersDoor.com.  None of those were on the drawing board just 5 years ago.

Q. How do you keep motivated?
A .
I am a “To Do List” person and have to schedule my tasks into small 2hr lots. If I am not able to complete something within this time frame, I break the task down further. That way I am fresh on each task. If it’s not scheduled it’s not real!

Q. What do you love about your job?
Watching people and organisations shift to being functional and effective.  It delights me when I see their bottom line improve and everyone is doing it whilst being happy!  Bang I love it!

Q. What do you value in life?
A. value integrity, authenticity, fun, empathy and professionalism.  At the top is integrity it plays out in so many ways from taking personal responsibility to being honest.

Q. What annoys you the most?
Deliberately withholding information or feelings at the expense of someone else. 

Q.What’s a single piece of advice you have been given that you still work with?
Limitations are created by yourself not others – thanks Mum! I will not allow others to limit me or project their limitations on to me. I have always had a business of some kind or another from my own lawn mowing round that I started by door knocking at the age of 8 to Happening People today.

Q. Where do you see your future?
I’ll answer that professionally shall I?  I think I have gathered so much knowledge and best practice from so many industries and that I would like to sit on a highly functioning board of an ASX 200 and still do the consulting work I do with Happening People.

Q. If you could invite 4 guests to dinner who would you invite and why?
Ok I’m going dead or alive!  Given few people know my mother, my dog who passed away recently or my best friends I go with famous people who interest me. 

I love people who challenge my way of thinking.  I learn from it and it’s why I love talking about topics like politics and religion with my friends!  …… but to answer your question…..

I went to see the Dalai Lama speak recently and I loved his take on life and relationships so I would invite him for sure.  I have always been interested watching the rise and rise of Jack Cowin in business (of Hungry Jacks among many other businesses) and was lucky enough to meet him at client function recently and he exceeded my expectations.  I’d invite Paul Keating because I want know how he came up the “J” curve theory and if it still exists today (plus he amuses me greatly) and finally I would ask Dan Savage.  He is an American author and founder of the The Trevor Project and “it gets better” campaign in the USA .  A true leader.

I’m not sure these people would get along but hey I’d have a great time!

Samuel DayPersonally Speaking - Thanks for the memories!

Over the past few months we have worked extra hard but had an awesome time spreading the Happening People brand at two trade shows as well as  supporting one of Happening People’s Keynote speakers Layne Beachley and her incredible foundation ‘Aim For the Stars’.  The media contacted us to discuss a hot topic in the media at the moment ‘employees like or dislike for their bosses. 

Check out some of the photos from these events.  There are also links to radio interviews and an article from the Australian

Samuel Day

Samuel Day


19-21 August – AHRI HORIZON - at the Sydney Convention Centre

HRIZON is Australian Human Resource Institutes (AHRI) big annual trade show for HR professionals. Thank you to my wonderful team for making this a great event including the amazing Layne Beachley who signed copies of her book and gave the keynote address on Day 3.  Also a shout out to all those who we met or caught up with over the three days we had so many great conversations.

Samuel Day

6 September 2013 – 1920s Glamour – it was a fancy affair!

The Layne Beachley’s Aim for the Stars Foundation put on a magical night to celebrate 10 years. Her foundation was created to inspire girls and women across Australia to dream and achieve. We enjoyed getting in the spirit of things dressing up for the theme “A Touch of 1920’s Glamour”. A big thank you to our clients and suppliers who made this a super night!

Samuel Day

10-11 September – LearnX - at the Sydney Convention Centre

We had a hugely successful time at LearnX, where authors, thought leaders, and senior decision makers were speaking on various topics supporting this year’s theme, “Amplifying the Impact of Learning and Supporting Technologies”. Waaaay too busy for more than a selfie!  Once again a big hello to all those who we met at the conference it was a fun and full on two days!


Radio Interview – Radio Interview on MyMp137.7am

This month the media have had great interest in leadership. I talk with Glenn Ridge from radio station MyMp137.7am about Employees and Bosses - Link

Fairfax Article - The Age - 'Ten Things We'd Love To Tell The Boss' - Link

I hope you have a great few months, thanks to all our clients again and remember if you love our corporate training please tell others if not please tell us!

Kind regards

Meet Some of Our Team

Below are some of our corporate training team who specialise is the areas of Leadership, Management, Sales development and more.
Click on their name to link through to our website and find out more.

C:\Happening People\photos\2012 Sam Day\12_1.jpg Happeing People - Tina Monk http://www.happeningpeople.com/images/Virginia%20Morris_profile_pic_1.JPG

Sam Day
Leadership, Management and Sales Specialist

Tina Monk
Specialising in Executive Coaching

Virginia Morris
Philanthropic Leadership Specialist (HK)

happrning People Morgan Stephens C:\Users\Samuel Day\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\A7V9AXRD\Henry Botha Photo 2011.jpg Happening People Dave Contarini

Layne Beachley
Keynote Leadership Specialist

Henry Botha
Finance for Non Finance Manager Specialist

David Contarini
Leader well-being specialist



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